
Monday, May 12, 2014

Something something Star Wars Celebration 2015. Something somthing Complete

The new Star Wars trilogy starts shooting this week. With it begins a new era of Star Wars piloted by a new generation of creators. As a staunch Star Wars fan I look forward to the media storm. One of the most entertaining Star Wars events coming up will be the much anticipated Star Wars Celebration in 2015. Unlike the last few, they will have new footage and media to share with attendees. Never heard of Star Wars Celebration? click the link to watch a clip from celebration III in Indianapolis.

E3 Cometh!

Electronic Entertainment Expo 2014, or E3 takes place June 12th this year. We're already getting a treasure trove of announcements!

In case you didn't' know, I am an avid gamer and E3 is a hallowed day to me. Every year me and one or more of my friends take one or two days off work to watch all the big press conferences and announcements at E3. I would make E3 an international holiday if I could. I love all facets of it. Big reveals. News of upcoming games. Game politics and finances. Speculations and confirmations, and huge PR screw-ups. It's Great.

At present I am most looking forward to The legend of Zelda for the Wii U... However this E3 has a lot to look forward to. Here is a list and some trailers of some of the more popular titles that are confirmed to make an appearance this year.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Free Comic Book Day

Spoils From Free Comic Book Day 2014.
This year
I accompanied two friends to 4 shops on Free Comic Book Day this year. Ended up spending $30.
It was a good time. I talked to Batman.. Watched a man LARP in real F'in metal elfin armor.. Talked to Another Batman.. Found some comic books that I needed to fill gaps in my comic collection.. Talked to a bright green Batman.. Found a new favorite comic shop.. and finally I saw swarms of cosplayers, not the least of which was Batman. It was a good day. When I got home I took the time to price my comics before crashing out. Total value roughly $190.. A well spent 30 Bucks. So what is comic book day?

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

STAR WARS Episode VII An Ancient Fear

That's right!!! According to the intel from "Aint It Cool News" An Ancient Fear is the working title of the new star wars movie. Star Wars Episode VII already has the star wars aficionados buzzing thanks to the return of Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, and Kenny baker. Now everyone is finally taking to the drawing board of speculation to discuss the direction this title casts on the upcoming movie. One of my favorite parts of a new Star Wars movie is the rumors and speculation that come first. Keep your eyes peeled on this blog, I might drop a few ideas on this blog or link to some of the most interesting rumors and theories as the Dec. 18, 2015 release date comes closer.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Ax Cop. Do yourself a favor...

As of late I've been reflecting back on my childhood. Nothing is like a child's imagination. When I was very young my best friend and I developed our own unique etiquette and framework for roll play and playing with toys. Essentially we would design and create all the characters, set up their motivations and back stories, create a plot, and split it into three acts. Then we would play the whole thing out like a movie, making up all the details as we went. Sometimes we would draw pictures of the characters. Early on the pictures were absurd and quite amusing. You look at them and say "only a 7 year old could come up with something like this". Adults can’t simulate that raw detachment from the rules and reality, and that is what is so great about my latest discovery.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Famous Manga artists in run for Western comic book award

Rumiko Takahashi and Hayao Miyazaki nominated for Eisner comic book award

Eisner awards
In the world of comic books the Eisner Award is a crowning achievement and is described as the Oscars of comic books by San Diego comic-con officials. It began dishing out awards to comic book creators of distinction in various categories in 1988. Eisner officials have announced their three automatic inductees for the year. Irwin Hasen (The Flash), Sheldon Moldoff (Batman, Green Lantern), and Orrin C. Evans (All Negro Comics) the first all African American produced comic. The Eisner Award judges have also picked 14 nominees for voters from the comic book industry to vote for. Four nominees will be inducted into the Eisner Hall of Fame this summer.What caught my eye is that two very famous Mangaka (Japanese comic book artist) grace this years list of nominees.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A short retrospective on D&D and Podcast review.

Nerd Pokers Podcast official cover art
Me and Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons was not something I ever played in my youth, but it conjures a rich collection of memories. My brothers and some of my friends older siblings played it. I was always curious about it. The first thing I think of is those ornate pewter figurines that were always off limits to me. Touch and die was the general warning. But I couldn't help myself. I had colorful toys with articulated limbs. Toys like wolverine with his pop out claws or my Robotech bioroid fighter. Despite this I still snuck a peak when it was safe. The pewter figures had an allure. They seemed to tell a story and even when unpainted they were rich with character. Perhaps it was the Tolkien in my blood that drew me to high fantasy relics. Who can say. I knew there was some sort of game you played. I wanted to try it, but I was too young and I never got the chance.

Recently I've been toying around with the idea of trying out some board games to see what I was missing all those years ago. D&D once again popped into my head.  I wanted to know what a real D&D game was like first hand. So naturally I had someone else do it for me... While I listened in of course. I turned to the Nerd Poker Podcast. The podcast description reads: Each week, under dark of night, a group of warriors lead by Brian Posehn gather to play Dungeons & Dragons, and you're invited to attend!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Godzilla celebrates 60 years

Godzilla celebrates 60 years in Japan with a look back at all the classics, whilst Hollywood looks forward to its own reboot in May.

Nora Inu film review

Lets kick of the blog with a classic Japanese "film" review by famed director Akira Kurasawa.

Nora Inu (U.S. Title: Stray Dog) Police suspense drama and mystery. Warning there will be some general plot spoilers.

Nora Inu tells the story of detective Murakami "Toshiro Mifune." Tired and exhausted from a stakeout the previous night, he loses his pistol to a pickpocket on a hot crowded bus in post war Tokyo. He sets off trying to track it down, when his pistol is suspected to have been involved in a crime. 1 of 7 bullets is used. Now the frantic detective Murakami has to find the assailant and get back his gun before the remaining 6 bullets are used.